Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

Yayasan Amanah Takaful Thanks To Jakarta

Sahabatony, thank God there was a call this morning from the office who came from Jakarta, Yayasan Amanah Takaful. Indeed a few days ago we had the Qur'an Rijalul Foundation sent a few letters that we go to institutions Amil Zakat national level. Mrs. Santi who directly contacted us directly to ask about our program.

Well, straight as an admonishment to the companions of all. The Foundation has a program that is Rijalul Qur'an Cash Waqf Movement USD. 100,000 per one square meter. This is an opportunity that really menabjukan charity, just imagine, for only $. 100 000 we're able to provide waqf land used by the orphans and dhu'afa to memorize the Qur'an, Subhan Allah

In closing his phone bu Santi directly ask for account number mentrnsfer amount of money that will be used mainly for land acquisition. Terimaksih to bu Santi and team, hopefully to give kebarokahan for us all ... jazakumullah khoiran jazza

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