Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

Indonesia Nan Dynamic

Sahabatony, many real story if membicarakn this country, Indonesia beloved, not in terms of talking to bad-mouth the government when we try menyampaiakn things that may seem taboo. But most people this principle is part of civic duty Negra, which convey the aspirations seseuai with what feels.

Whether this country is controlled by whom, so the dynamics significantly. Statehood issues continue to roll from time to time.

Earlier this month we heard the enormity of the issue of nomination of candidates 2014, the first lady, Ani Yuhoyono had become a "hot topic". I think this is due to the feeling of "success" of the government of SBY, if only SBY still go forward, certainly it was he that would become major figures later in 2014. The issue of a sense of "success" even stronger.

Then came Gaius, "I wish I Gaius" was the topic. Many are asking, "serious ga sich government in combating corruption". Because we see the "bells and whistles" to eradicate corruption in our country.

Well, the more heat now is 18 Lies the Government. Cook sich government lie? Because this issue is still hot, let's continue its development.

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